Furniture will be moved, covered and safeguarded. All ceilings and walls will be cleaned of all dust, dirt and mildew. Nail holes filled as needed and cracks repaired. We will apply either one coat of primer as first coat on all surfaces or spot prime patched areas and apply two coats of finish paint. Trim will be thoroughly sanded; we apply a complete primer coat, then finish paint with appropriate trim paint. We prefer doing primer and one finish or two finishing coats.
We will set protruding sheetrock nails and drive sheetrock screws next to the nail to prevent it from popping and will replace sheetrock sections that are damaged. We can also cover holes in the walls or ceilings after fixtures were removed. Some homes had leaky roofs and the corner tape is damaged. We will remove and replace all damaged sheetrock tape and apply fibreglass tape over cracks to prevent reopening. Only then will we apply three coats of joint compound and match the texture to surrounds.